Your Breathing Focused Chiropractor
Helping you breathe well, grow well and be well

Dr Alison Holden
B App Sc (Chiropractic)
added a Breathing Focus to her practice in the early 2000’s when she first became aware of the link between body posture, breathing habits and facial growth. Since then other pieces have been added to the puzzle, leading to further study into sleep at all ages and stages, the voice, the jaw, tongue ties, the effect of birth trauma, concussions, traumatic head injuries, and the benefits of baby massage for the whole family.
Alison has a holistic approach to health and achieves great results using a variety of techniques. Along with gentle manipulation of the spine and cranial bones, these include Kinesiology, Chirodontics, Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT), Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), Nasal Release Technique (NRT) and Orofacial Myology (OM) and massage techniques for voice and swallowing issues. She works with a full body myofunctional approach using the Myofunctional Voice Gym and teaches classes in Baby Massage.
She has completed breathing courses in both the US and Australia and works on the mechanics and physiology associated with breathing issues in both children and adults.
She has presented at seminars for dentists in both Europe and in Australia, and is available to speak to groups. She is currently completing her Diplomate of the Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics , is a Certified Myo-Munchee provider, and is an IMIS Paediatric Massage Consultant.
There is nothing Alison enjoys more than helping a child breathe well, sleep well, grow well and be well.

Alison’s Speaking Engagements

Invite Alison to speak at your event.