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 Baby Massage Classes

 Helping you bond well and sleep well

Baby Massage Classes

Baby Massage Classes

Alison is a Certified IMIS Paediatric Massage Consultant.

Baby massage is a delightful way to get to know and communicate with your baby on a daily basis. It gives not just Mums, but also Dads Grandparents and Caregivers a way to form a close bond with your baby.

It is important to know that there are significant differences between massage for adults and for babies and infants.

Knowing that you are using the correct strokes in the correct way at a time that suits your baby will help you gain confidence in your parenting and give you peace of mind as you learn to read your baby’s cues and understand and respond to their individual ever changing needs.

The massage techniques are demonstrated on a life-sized demonstration doll while you watch and then follow on your own baby. If your small someone isn’t in the mood for a massage, dolls are always available for you to practiced on.

You don’t have to wait till your baby is born! The demo dolls allow you to learn before your baby arrives, so you can feel
ready for when they decide to put in an appearance.

Dad and baby at baby massage class

Class Dates and Location

Our Baby massage classes are open to mums dads, grandparents and carers.

The 4 class series runs four times a year; in  February, May, August and November.

Classes are held in the practice at 52 Douglas Street, Milton 4064, on Saturday mornings with a start time of 10.30 am. (Please aim to arrive 15 mins early to allow
us to start on time)

There are enough dolls to ensure everyone gets to practice should your baby have not yet arrived, be too old to attend, or not be in the mood for a massage on the day.

Each week of the 4 week class series covers different topics.

Week 1

When not to massage,
information about massage oils,
the permission to massage sequence,
Strokes for the legs and buttocks and parental relaxation.

Week 2

The benefits of baby massage,
Your baby’s cues and body language,
Your baby’s sleep cycle,
The best time to massage,
Bonding techniques,
Strokes for the abdomen and chest,
Touch relaxation.

Week 3

Massage for older children,
Strokes for the face arms and back,
Colic and reflux discussion,
In-depth techniques for wind, colic and constipation.

Week 4

Lymphatic stimulation techniques,
Review of the full body massage strokes


The cost of the four week Full Body Baby Massage course is $250 per attendee. This includes a bottle of organic baby oil and a baby massage manual as well as the latest tips for maximising sleep for your whole family.

Private groups, and Special Interest Classes can also be organised. These classes can be arranged at a price to be determined.  Classes can form part of continuing education requirements for various
professional bodies.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a Baby Massage Class?

Call Alison on 0428 732 389 or register your interest by filling in your details here and she will be in touch.

How old does my baby need to be?

Babies from newborn (and premies) through to 12 months of age are welcomed to the classes. If your little one is older than that, the dolls are there for you to learn the techniques on. The techniques you learn can be used well into your little one’s school years.

I limit the age due to the difference in activity level. An infant more than one year old is often already up and about and is much less willing to lie down to be massaged in class time than those less than 12 months.

Should I feed my baby before a massage class?

Yes it is recommended you feed at least 30 mins before your massage class. Obviously if your baby requires a feed during class then you are absolutely able to do so.

What do I need to bring with me?

Please bring a nappy changing sheet in case you need to change your baby’s nappy during the class. If you have a massage oil you already use you are welcome to bring it with you, though organic cold pressed massage oil will be provided.

We’re pregnant, can we attend?

Absolutely! Demonstration baby dolls are provided for you to practice and learn the techniques. This gives everyone extra confidence before the baby arrives, and may help result in less anxiety when parenting for the first time.

Can Dads, Grandparents and Carers join the class?

Absolutely, all family members are encouraged to learn baby massage techniques. Baby massage can be a great way to give other family members extra bonding time with your baby and can give Mum a precious rest break.

Can we come as a mothers/play group?

Absolutely. The current class space space fits 7 babies comfortably, but with notice, I can easily make room for more.
I have 7 dolls, to cover the unlikely event that absolutely everyone’s baby is not be in the mood for a massage at the same time, but with larger groups dolls can be shared.

Can I bring my own massage oil?

Yes, cold pressed organic oils are preferred. These oil will be provided as part of your class pack. Extra bottles of Cold Pressed Organic Sesame, Almond and Apricot oils are also available for purchase.

What if my baby won’t stop crying?

Babies crying during class often settle with a short cuddle break. If you feel you need to feed, walk around the room or take a short break outside that is fine. I will make sure to go over anything with you that you might briefly miss out on.